P2E - Troubleshoot
Last updated
Last updated
There are several different ways to get the 20k SATOX
needed to be able to use the SATOX P2E platform.
From a Exchange that have SATOX listed.
Visit https://miningpoolstats.stream/satoxcoin and follow the instructions provided on the pools.
Do tasks on Discord and participate in airdrops
Join our Discord server : https://discord.com/invite/GFZYFuuHVq
To check if theres any open spots go to: â đ¤âšp2ebot and type !p2eSpots
If you see open spots, hurry and signup using the instructions under.
Relax, it doesn't matter what game it shows,as long it shows "Currently In-Game" it works, just keep playing and you will be rewarded, the refresh intervals are 50-60 minutes, just ignore what the game shows, as long as it shows "Currently In-Game" game it's fine.
Set all your Steam Profile settings to "Public" or this system will not work correctly.
You need to play games for at least 50-60 min before the system updates
If the status is not updated after 60 min , clear your browser cache
Give the system some time and keep playing
If it still doesn't work, relogin on STEAM
Remember, this system use your STEAM profile, the game needs to be registered on your profile, if the game is not visible it will not work correct.
Don't start the game with the shortcut on your Desktop, start the game inside the STEAM launcher.
Answer: Your wallet is new, its empty!!!
You havn't received any rewards to your wallet, its empty!!!
You haven't transferred any coins to that address, its empty!!!
Step 1. ) Visit : https://xplore.satoverse.io/changeme
Step 2.) Login in STEAM.
Step 3.) Follow the instructions and change your address.
You didn't verify your STEAM account correctly
You haven't been active for a long time
Next time trying to signup, please follow the >>>>> instructions <<<<<
Remember if there's no open spots in the P2E system, you cant rejoin until there is a spot available.