P2E - Rewards & Statistics

Check your rewards and statistics on our blockchain explorer.

Visit : https://xplore.satoverse.io/rewards for rewards.

Visit: https://xplore.satoverse.io/stats for statistics.

P2EBot on Discord

We have build a Discord bot that can show rewards and statistics.

Join https://discord.com/invite/GFZYFuuHVq

and visit the channel #p2ebot

Discord P2EBot commands


Shows this help menu


Displays the top 50 members based on Satox earned.


Shows the top 20 games based on times played.


Displays all games and the number of times they were played.


Displays all games and the number of times they were played, sorted alphabetically.


Lists the top 25 Pog scores.


Displays the top 20 players with the most game badges.


Shows the top 20 players with the most friends.


Lists the top 25 players with the highest Steam levels.


Returns players categorized by their levels.


Returns players categorized by their countries.

!profile <username >

Displays the profile information for the specified user.


Displays the current price of Satox Coin.


Displays the number of places left open on the Satoxcoin P2E Steam system.

Sign up for Satox P2E https://xplore.satoverse.io/steam

For more information, visit our website at https://www.satoverse.io/

P2EBot on Telegram

We have build a Telegram bot that can show rewards and statistics.

Join us : https://t.me/satoxcoin

Telegram P2EBot Commands

Bot Commands Help


Displays this menu


Displays the top 50 members based on Satox earned.


Shows the top 20 games based on times played.


Displays all games and the number of times they were played.


Displays all games and the number of times they were played, sorted alphabetically.


Lists the top 25 Pog scores.


Displays the top 20 players with the most game badges.


Shows the top 20 players with the most friends.


Lists the top 25 players with the highest Steam levels.


Returns players categorized by their levels.


Returns players categorized by their countries.

/profile <username>

Displays the profile information for the specified user.


Displays the current price of Satox Coin.


Displays the number of open spots in the P2E system.

Sign up for Satox P2E https://xplore.satoverse.io/steam

For more information, visit our website at https://www.satoverse.io/

Last updated