
Dear Satorians!

We, a team of developers/dedicated community members, are working hard to make our project better with you.

The most frequently asked question by everyone is the exchange listings. But, since we are all interested in the success of the project, we, the developers, may need your voluntary support.

At the moment, the developers, are working on the project in their own free time. The only form of payment we receive is through our development fee for developing SATOX and thus, we are working the best we can to achieve our goals.

During our swap from SATO > SATOX, we added a 10% development fee for each block mined to help us with the development of SATOX, this have now been switched to be used to fill the play2earn fund.

With gratitude, we accept all donations you are willing to spare and we plan to use it for only one purpose: Listings. It's not a cheap procedure, especially for good exchange.

As costly as this is, we are very thankful for you donating to us! We, as the developers are doing the best we can to sustain and pay for the development and further listing our coin.

ETH: 0x190cB583d121F1672348F1d73D15C8457D643C16

BTC: bc1qkvta73vv4dc9etssvau8fy3dzt8um7qfh2u3xq


LTC: ltc1qpl04ppawfptnca9auvtr7ll50zqr9wwzd8m00h

SATOX: SkAoiPdahsF2V7nCvg2zgJrrzqJjnbFkV

Kind regards, SATOX Core Team

Not in a position to provide financial donations?

No problem! You can still contribute to Satoxcoin by running a full node. It's a straightforward and effortless process. By running a full node with UPnP activated and allowing incoming connections, you actively assist in safeguarding the network against potential attacks. Additionally, your participation helps in processing transactions, confirmations, and syncing wallets. As more individuals join our network, its efficiency and speed increase significantly!

Learn how to run a full SATOX node

Last updated